
The 2012 diaries


The 2012 Garden Diary

The diary stumbles on into its thirteenth year with a renewed determination to keep going!

Go to latest entry - 27 November - Coaltit on a dull, damp morning

The 2012 Nest box Diary

The season began with no activity in the camera-equipped nest boxes apart from an early start in Swift box SW(le) where a pair of House Sparrows moved in. The female laid her first of possibly four eggs on 27 March. Bad weather meant that the chicks didn't fledge on time and both died, one killed by a Swift that arrived on 1 May. The poor weather had an adverse effect on the Swifts, with just three individuals here by the fourth week of May.

Go to latest entry - 3 August -  The last of our Swifts has left

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